Friday, May 14, 2010

Gundam Sandrock Custom WIP part 2

So last night I was able to paint all the pieces that where ready for black and yellow painted.

I also did some dry brushing of sliver on the black pieces to help the detail show better and because I want this to be a worn and dirty Gundam Sandrock. Now the black pieces need a coat of dulcoat and they will be done.

Also got the red part on the chest painted and dulcoated to help seal the paint so the masking tape wouldn't peal the paint off when removed.

Today I finished the chest by taping off the red part and painting it black. I then dry brushed it with sliver as well. Finally, I removed the masking tape and put the yellow vents in place.

Now it just needs some touch up hand painting and a coat of dulcoat, and it will be ready for the water color wash.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Gundam Sandrock Custom WIP part 1

This Gundam Sandrock Custom is for the Gundam Wing Group Build at

So originally I was going to paint this in a desert theme but have decided that I wanted to paint it in the original color scheme. So it will look a lot like the version ka. The reason for going with the original color scheme is that Gundams' are supposed to stand out, the grunt suits can blend in, this is because they were made not only to fight with but to be a statement and icon to for people to rally behind.

Everything has been primed and painted white. Now I'm working on masking the parts to say stay white.

RGM-79(G) HAMMER WIP part 5

Okay so it has been a while since I updated this. Anyways, I got the shield painted and dulcoated. Now I just need to weather and apply a few decals.

Friday, April 30, 2010

RGM-79(G) HAMMER WIP part 4

So I finally got my decals that I ordered and the microsol to make them permanent. I am still waiting to get the shield to complete him and I decided to stick with the missile pack instead of getting a bazooka.

This was my test run at modding, seem line removal, painting with an AB, panel lining, applying decals, and weathering. I think it has turned out pretty good.

C&C Please

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Making of the P90 Model 98 Phase 5

Phase 5: Installation of the Q-loader and Paint

Here is a test fit of the Q-loader. You don’t have to use the Q-loader, but I had some extra parts for it so I wanted to use it. Also I didn’t want to have a hopper in the way of the sight.

Now for the easy part. Painting can be done before hand, so that you don’t have to worry about painting the mag. I chose to paint it all black and add my personal symbol, the club in olive green. Also, I put a 10" barrel from Opsgear so it would look better and emphasize the that it is a close combat weapon.

And there it is! Take it out and turn some heads!

Making of the P90 Model 98 Phase 4

Phase 4: Putting the P90 together.

This part was a little tricky because I wanted to have the mag clip in like it is supposed to. So to do this put the front end together and insert the mag, then snap the back end together put the piece that holds the mag in place back on( this will also help hold the gun body together), and push the mag down into place.

This process may take a while as adjustments will have to be made to allow the P90 body to completely close around the Tippman Model 98.

Making of the P90 Model 98 Phase 3

Phase 3: Putting in the 98 and Trigger Installation

Putting the 98 into the P90 body is the easy part. The hard put is making the trigger work; which is really just trial and error until you can get it to work.

I chose to use a hanger to connect the 98 trigger to the P90 trigger. This is not the ideal method but I saw it done and I got it to work.

The following picture has a few parts blown up so it is easier to see what was done with the connection of the triggers. Also, the note to the blue box is a hole for the air hose to exit the P90 body. I chose to just use the steal hose as is; to save money and because I run remote anyways. So if you do this you will need to make a cut out for the hose. I did this using a dremel with the body together.

Here are the blown up pictures of the triggers. As you can see you will need to drill holes to attach the hanger.