Wednesday, April 8, 2020

King of Tokyo: Alpha Zombie Evolution Cards

King of Tokyo has become a family favorite and game group favorite. It is easy to learn and doesn't require a lot to play, making for a fast and fun game. The evolution expansions make it fun by giving each monster its own powers and more variety to the game.

There have been many promos made by IELLO games, but none of them have evolution cards, limiting their use to myself and our gaming groups.

Many people have made their own evolution cards for some of these promos which you can find over on sixbynineis42's customs of Kookie, Iron Rook, and Brockenbar are great! And they look like real cards. He was willing to share his templates with me so I could make my own.

I have made my own set of evolution cards for the promo character Alpha Zombie (which I drew inspiration from Branden Sprenger's found here). And I made my own Monster and evolution cards for the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man too (I use ideas from Danny Mack's version found here).

So here are the evolution cards for Alpha Zombie:

Individual cards (note the you will need 2 copies of Brain Eater):

Next post with have the everything you need to add Stay Puft to King of Tokyo, stay tuned.

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