Friday, July 31, 2020

Power Rangers Heroes of the Grid - White Ninja Falconzord & White Tigerzord Warrior Mode

Well today Renegade Games teased that they would be releasing official Thunderzords, so my customs will be obsolete by years end. So, in an effort to get more of my customs finished here are a few more zord additions for the Mighty Morphin White.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Power Rangers Heroes of the Grid - Thunderzords

While during this time most people have found themselves with more time, I have found less. I have completed paint quite a few more of the miniatures for this game but I still need to take some pictures to share. I have completed the Base box and the Zeo expansions, and started working on the Kickstarter Exclusive box.

But I have also been working on my own customs for the game as well. MMPR is my generation of Rangers so it is all that I am really only concerned with, and I will look to round out what is missing. So I present the Thunderzords! 


The art for the 5 Thunderzords is from Power Rangerars Legacy Wars (by James Pascual) and Red Dragon Warrior Mode, Thunder Megazord, and Mega Tigerzord art is from the Boom! Studio comics. 

I haven't had a change to do a lot of testing on these so let me know what you think and hopefully they aren't over powered.